'Calling out' redemptionists or non-redemptionists.Discussions about what is 'factually' true tend to bring out the worst in people and really don't serve a purpose. Discussions about your personal headcanons are OK. avatarthelastairbender avatar avatarairbender katara fire zuko avatar firelord zutara thelastairbender. "Is Azula really straight/gay/bi" discussions. Image of Zuko for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender 22559771 Cady 0:37.The tale of Avatar Roku and Fire Lord Sozin is revealed to Aang and Zuko. If you absolutely want to talk about the negative qualities of ships, please keep it mild and away from 'my ship is better/yours is inferior' territory. Episode Guide for Avatar: The Last Airbender 3x06: The Avatar and the Firelord. The death of Irohs son Lu Ten and the subsequent events that followed arguably changed the course of the Fire Nation forever. Try and keep shipping discussions a positive, pro-sharing environment. It's a pain to moderate as it involves deciding whether your post is unambiguously adult enough to stay up, as well as inevitably spawning arguments about said decision In principle, pornography should only be a minority of posts. Although it's allowed for the moment, this is not a porn-focused subreddit. All imageposts should be in or near source quality (good enough for critical viewing) or be accompanied by a descriptive title or submission statement explaining why it warrants discussion.

No nsfw "this is what I'd like to do to Azula" posts, or wank diaries (yes this has really happened).

All fanfiction linked must have Azula as the main character, or one of two or three main characters as part of an ensemble and/or pairing.No promoting your own online merchandise storefronts (links to official merchandise are fine).No pornography depicting Azula (or anyone else) as a child.This is an Azula fan subreddit, don't come here solely to insult Azula's character or argue with Azula fans.NSFW posts must be appropriately tagged.Fan-squealing about how awesome/relatable/pretty/badass Azula is.Respectful and non-adversarial discussions about Azula ships.writer's intentions or inclusion in future media (shows, books, comics) He was the second son of Fire Lord Azulon and Ilah, the younger brother of Iroh, uncle of Lu Ten, husband to Ursa, the father of Prince Zuko and Princess Azula, and the paternal. Ozai was the ruler of the Fire Nation during the final years of the Hundred Year War, reigning as Fire Lord from 95 to 100 AG. News, speculation, or things you'd like to see of Azula's character, w.r.t. This article is about the character in the series.Art or fanfiction featuring Azula as a central character, by yourself or others.
Despite having died years before, his actions caused almost all of the events of the series and many of its sequel The Legend of.