It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for the creation, modification and deletion of entities manipulation of views control of environmental attributes and phenomena and other host functions.
It is a Windows-based image generator Host application used to develop, integrate and test image generators that use the CIGI protocol. The Host Emulator can be used as a surrogate to manipulate the interface when a simulation Host is not available. CIGI traffic does not have a well known port however, the use of ports 8004-8005 has been widely adopted by commercial image generator vendors implementations.

UDP: Typically, CIGI uses UDP as its transport protocol, but CIGI does not require a specific transport mechanism, only packet definition conformance.

Previous versions of CIGI were spearheaded by Boeing include CIGI v3.3, in November 2008, v3.2 April 2006, v3.1 June 2004, v3 November 2003, v2 in March 2002, and the original (v1) in March 2001 Protocol dependencies ĬIGI 4.0 is the official standard, published by SISO. CIGI became an international SISO standard known as SISO-STD-013-2014 which contains the CIGI version 4.0 Interface Control Document (ICD). This information is passed via CIGI to the image generator.ĬIGI 4 is the latest version of the standard as was approved by the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization on August 22, 2014. Host simulation – In this context a “Host” is the computational system that provides information about the device being simulated so that the image generator can portray the correct scenery to the user. Image generator – In this context an image generator consists of one or more rendering channels that produce an image that can be used to visualize an “Out-The-Window” scene, or images produced by various sensor simulations such as Infra-red, Day TV, Electro-Optical, and Night Vision. SISO-STD-013-2014 is freely available from SISO. The latest version of CIGI (CIGI 4.0) was developed by the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) in the form of SISO-STD-013-2014, Standard for Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI), Version 4.0, dated 22 August 2014. The CIGI initiative was largely spearheaded by The Boeing Company during the early 21st century. CIGI was created to standardize the interface between the host and the image generator so that little modification would be needed to switch image generators. In the past most image generators provided their own proprietary interface every host had to implement that interface making changing image generators a costly ordeal.
CIGI is designed to assist suppliers and integrators of IG systems with ease of integration, code reuse, and overall cost reduction. The main goal of CIGI is to capitalize on previous investments through the use of a common interface. CIGI is the interface between the 'host' and the IGs. Frequently there are multiple IGs required to display the surrounding environment created by a host. The airplane model is run on one machine, normally referred to as the host, and the out the window visuals or scene graph program is run on another, usually referred to as an Image Generator (IG).
Most high-end simulators do not have everything running on a single machine the way popular home software Flight Simulators are currently implemented. Sample communication between an Image Generator Host, and a Viewer.